
As a
research organization dealing with basic science,
the i2-HMR


: gathers, supports, develops
and encourages
synergy between investigators

experimentalists & theoriticians


: builds up and manages
scientific projects

and gets involved in some as well


: sets-up and performs experiments

and gets involved in some as well


: publishes scientific papers

in peer-reviewed international Journals


: attendes international scientific meetings

conferences, workshops, etc …


… and searches funds !!
maybe the most difficult and time-consuming task

We need money to support current and futur projects and many other things (such as conference expenses, etc ...).
And believe us : science does cost a lot !!!!

If you're willing to support us, to bet on us :
please go to Support us.

* : picture from :
** : picture from :
*** : Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash.
**** : Photo by maitree rimthong from Pexels.
***** : Petit Mineur. This is a wink to Jean Mineur, now Mediavision :
vi : Image by skeeze from Pixabay.