Research Interests :
François investigates the interaction of Hydrogen with Si and with Proton Conductors.
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Birth : Oct. 14, 1979.
Mathieu VALAT
left the i2-HMR (i.e. is not an i2-HMR member anymore) since Saturday 26th August 2023. This is due to different and incompatible approaches, visions and way to work between Mathieu Valat and Nicolas Armanet. That being said, we acknowledge Mathieu for his support and encouragements for years. We wish him success in his current and future scientific investigations.
Anthony VOGT
Materials Scientist, Thony investigates physical properties of metallic thin films (elaboration and characterization). He now works for a private company (whose field has nothing to do with M-H). While his work load doesn't allow any participation to The i2-HMR anymore, he closely follows what we do ;) .
: a scientific organization dedicated to the study of basic aspects of Hydrogen in Metals and in other Materials.
32, Rue de la Liberté
Bourgoin Jallieu
i2-HMR's Website by i2-HMR (International Institute for Hydrogen Materials Research) is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0