This page under construction is dedicated to :
Rare Earths-H systems (R-H systems) with R = Sc, Y and the 15 Lanthanides.
For the moment, the only present matter (below) is that brought to our attention by Peter Vajda* --
suggestion made in the framework of our recent MH-2024 Poster calling for help from long-experienced Hydriders :).
*Laboratoire des Solides Irradiés, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS/CEA, Palaiseau, France.
We warmly acknowledge Prof. Vajda for the suggestion of the two Chapters (1.a.1 + 1.a.2) -- where the former Chapter was sent to us in the form of a floppy disk :). We have also added Peter's last book (1.b) since it includes matter related to Rare Earths-H systems, along with some updates of the said two Chapters.
1) General Material
1.a.1) Vajda's 1995 chapter in the "Handbook on the physics and chemistry of rare earths, Vol. 20"
1.a.2) Vajda's 1996 chapter in the "Hydrogen metal systems, I" book
1.a.3) Vajda's 2013 updates of 1.a.1 and 1.a.2
How to find this Chapter :
Note that the said Volume 20 can be found in LibGen.
For your information :
-All the other Chapters within this Handbook (Vol. 20) can be found here :
-The other Volumes can be consulted here :
Personal note :
see emails with Peter in the folder : MH-2024/POSTERS/Le Notre/Retours/Peter Vajda.
For your information :
-All the other chapters included within the book "Hydrogen Metal System I" can be found here :
-The other related book "Hydrogen Metal System II" can be found here :
Personal note :
see emails with Peter in 2017 in the folder : Science info/Scientists/H in Metals/P. Vajda.
Synopsis :
The present work focuses on two fluorite-structured groups of materials:
the hydrides of the rare earths (and actinides) and several specific metal oxides, and is authored by researchers among the most competent and active in the field.
By contrast to the classical “historic” alkaline-earth halides, non-stoichiometry appears as a key issue for both groups treated here.
The former group has attracted particularly close attention because of its possible candidature as hydrogen storage material within the vast prospect of the clean energy economy.
In the second group, a chapter is devoted to the (antifluorite-type)
lithium oxide, a candidate for (super)ionic batteries (again interesting
for the clean energy technology) and as a tritium “breeder” in fusion
reactor walls. Finally, two more chapters are dedicated to the radiation
effects on actinide dioxides (like uranium dioxide), and
yttria-stabilized zirconium dioxide which is envisioned as an inert
confinement matrix for actinide transmutation in nuclear reactors.
: a scientific organization dedicated to the study of basic aspects of Hydrogen in Metals and in other Materials.
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