We support and meet the values of :

Sci Hub

As long as all scientific papers will not be legally and freely downloadable by any user in the world, Sci Hub will be the best solution. Congratulations to them and to any other initiatives of the same kind !!!!
Sci Hub 's wikipedia
More about Sci Hub

P.S. : we gratefully acknowledge Mathieu Valat who first brought to our attention the existence of Sci Hub. Free knowledge !

Lib Gen

As long as all scientific books will not be legally and freely downloadable by any user in the world, Lib Gen will be the best solution. Congratulations to them and to any other initiatives of the same kind !!!!
Lib Gen's wikipedia

P.S. : we gratefully acknowledge Mathieu Valat who first brought to our attention the existence of Lib Gen. Free knowledge !

We warmly invite you to read the Letter of Solidarity with Library Genesis and Sci-Hub

Slow Science

We also meet the Slow Science movement.
Slow Science's wikipedia.

P.S. : thank you Driss Sadoun !!!!

Free softwares
Open source

Linux, Firefox, ...

Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash.